Wednesday, August 18, 2010

pretty, huh?

Jennifer Rose and I decided to try our hand at this cake that has been the topic of much discussion. There are two recipes, one is mainly a white cake recipe with food coloring for the different layers and the other one has fruit mixed into the layers, kind of corresponding to the colors. We didn't think putting all the fruit into it was going to make that big of a difference in the impact of the cake, especially since the purple layer was GRAPES....grapes? i don't know. I'm sure the fruit one would be yummy but we used a box white cake mix, scraped some organic vanilla beans into it and frosted the layers and outside with cream cheese frosting and it tasted GREAT! and the wow factor was totally worth it when we cut it open.
The other thing we realized about this cake is that it can be made in any colors you want! we didn't stick to the conventional rainbow, we just mixed variations such as "coral" and "aztec blue"
This is also 2 box cakes worth of cake here.

1 comment:

jennifer bastian said...